Monday, June 23, 2008

Live Popularity Of Enterprise Portal Server Market by Google Keword Search using Yahoo Pipes

I just came across this interesting mashup kind of a tool called Yahoo Pipes an interactive feed aggregator and manipulator. I was thinking to use the pipes to build something relevant to my websphere blog and then decided to build a pipe which basically plot a enterpise portal popularity graph based on the total number of realtime google search results returned for each of the popular portal servers names like WebSphere Portal, Weblogic Portal, Sun One, Sharepoint, Jboss and Oracle. You can see the source of the pipe here The results also kind of confirmed the truth with this news that IBM WebSphere Portal is the leader in Enterprise portal market.

If you are not seeing the graph below please click here , because it seems like google search blocks yahoo pipes for making repeated calls, you will see the graph snapshot that was taken on July 13th 2008.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your pipe.
